Search Results for 'carolyn morrow long'


808 results for 'carolyn morrow long'  

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White Rose and the Red

Never before published, White Rose and the Red is the fictional biography of Elizabeth Siddall, wife of English poet and painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti

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Being a Ballerina: The Power and Perfection of a Dancing Life

Inspiring, revealing, and deeply relatable, Being a Ballerina is a firsthand look at the realities of life as a professional ballet dancer, showing what it takes to live a life dedicated to the perfection of the art form.

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Mesoamerican Osteobiographies: Revealing the Lives and Deaths of Ancient Individuals

Drawing from a variety of sites throughout Mesoamerica, this volume presents a collection of osteobiographies, which analyze skeletons and their surroundings alongside historical, archaeological, ethnographic, and other contextual data to better understand the life experiences of individuals.

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Dancing the Afrofuture: Hula, Hip-Hop, and the Dunham Legacy

In this memoir, Halifu Osumare reflects on how her career as a dancer and activist influenced her growth as a scholar writing the stories of global hip-hop and Black culture.

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A Relation, or Journal, of a Late Expedition, &c.

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Before the Pioneers: Indians, Settlers, Slaves, and the Founding of Miami

Frank pieces together the material culture and the historical record of the Miami River to re-create the fascinating past of one of the world’s most influential cities.


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Ballroom! Obsession and Passion inside the World of Competitive Dance

An all-access pass to a glamorous and fascinating world

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The Archaeology of Warfare: Prehistories of Raiding and Conquest

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The Shadow of Selma

The Shadow of Selma provides a comprehensive assessment of the 1965 civil rights campaign, the historical memory of the marches, and the continuing relevance of and challenges to the Voting Rights Act. The essays consider Selma not just as a keystone event but, much like Ferguson today, as a transformative place: a supposedly unimportant location that became the focal point of epochal historical events.